Friday, November 1, 2013

The True Meaning for Words, 4/10/13

Once upon a time, I wrote my thoughts down regarding words. Somehow, it had problems posting and got deleted. It was all for a reason I thought, so I left it as is. Sometimes little tidbits of information you keep to yourself in order to grasp it fully, or for your own nourishment. Ultimately it helps better us (or is intended to). I realize I'm the type of person that likes to let things sink in over time, that likes to nurture a sentiment to it's developed before sharing it with others, then make proper adjustments of it.

Words are in the power of the beholder. Be it ultimately right or wrong, right now it is what builds us up or breaks us down. They're stones. Words are stones. Stones can be used to build a house, be altered to make a useful tool, sharpened for weapons of defense, or hurt like a mo-fo. It doesn't 100% matter if a person throws stones in order to provide a useful source of material or intentionally used to hurt. I mean, yes it does so you know how to interact with the person, but once they give up their words - their stones, their resources - it is up to you to decide how it should be used.

This reminds me of why I went back to church in the first place. This reminds me of why I was open to so many philosophies and in hearing different religions. This is why I have been so open, neutral, and focused on feeling things out. For power. All for power to fortify myself so I can make a difference in this world. More importantly, the next. Whatever you may call "next." Now... things are different. There is a conscious change I am making... an acceleration I'm creating. I am more mindful of the stones written or given to me. More analytical,  more cautious. I will pick through them slowly. Not use as many as I did before, but still keep a storage of them for myself. The main reason? I'm entering a time where the foundation for the future is being built. Where I can actually see things happening that take "growing up in life" to a new level. I do not go half hearted on this matter. I'm not just building a future for myself anymore.

I can't ask for forgiveness for something I haven't committed, however it's a good way point to mark where I'm coming from if i seem defiant  hardheaded, or overtly concerned and questioning Everything. I am not doing so to try and unfurl a said faith. I am not trying to find the holes in a philosophy. I am asking the questions that come to my head and heart so that I can have enough ammunition to down my own defenses. The best way to describe how I view my inner workings is much like a city:  It takes many days to build, mere moments to destroy, and even longer to clear the debris, and more time to make the land fertile enough to grow on, and sturdy enough to build on again.

What frustrates me is

perhaps I'm just used to running before I  can walk. I'm fearful of loosing this unadulterated sense of peace. Like jumping into a pool before you know how to swim, or running off into a forest with no marked paths. I love getting lost in memories, sinking in emotion, engrossing myself in a problem to be solved...

...However I no longer have the time to spend trying to find my way back, trying solve a complex problem on my own, wishing, praying, hoping for instinct to kick in so that i don't actually drown. I am deciding this. Because there will be a time where someone who depends on me is going to have questions, doubts, and insecurities. I do not want to be a bystander, though I can not always make him or her follow me. I will always lead by example, but  I guess I can work on being easier to follow.

Once I learn new things, once I have these weapons.... once I understand the truth and feel a new burden.... I will not be the same. or will I? Maybe it's just how I view The Word. It is written, I believe it's power, but there is more to it. How can words measure ALL of His omnipotence. Every ounce of His essence? How do you describe such capabilities and powers never seen or experienced before? Yes, believe as if you have seen, but How do you prepare yourself for actually experiencing an event? It will never be enough. It will never be enough Just to go on just words. You can not travel in this world by just reading about new places. However, you can not get the most of those places without reading up on it.

Study, Read, Live... it's a progression I'm willing to follow.

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