Friday, November 1, 2013

A letter to Myself, 4/4/13

Dear Self,

I got a bone to pick with you. Maybe I'd just prefer to lay it all out for the time being. Main point is you confuse me. And I like it. I know you can laugh, cry, cheer, intimidate, lead, and follow all within the span of 3 minutes and earnestly mean each bit of it. You search, hem and haw, are restless.... but no one can be a better me than you.

I really wish you knew how much I love you.  How that trail of crazy you leave, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wish you could see the light I feel from you. I wish you knew the impact you have on the world. The way I see you is so different than you see yourself, so different from how others see you, so different from how you let others see you. I know you are going through a lot. I understand that the past is not easily addressed, the present so full of new, heart twisting things, and the future in a foggy haze. However there is one request I have for you...

Please do not change.

Not for anyone. Not even for me. Stop altering yourself to fit what you think would best suit others. You do not have to stop living for others, but it would be nice if you started living for me. Live for Yourself. No matter how the future will look, I will always be rooting for you. It's you and me amongst a host of worlds. Let's live this to the fullest. Regardless of what we perceive to be warnings.

Hugs and Love,

BTW --
I might be the only one in your life forever. I'll learn how to share if you take me up on my request.

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