Saturday, November 2, 2013

A song for my love

I couldn't find a song that explains how I feel, so I made one. This was inspired by, and is just for you. Keep it up, Darling.


You got a mean well smile,
Your heart on your sleeve.
So many dreams to chase It's overwhelming!
For some that's true, but not you.
If everyone looked on
they'd see a lie.
A predisposed composure for all eyes.
Could someone on Earth feel what's real?

There are doubts, attacks, remembrance
of all the darkest times. Paid recompense falls underway to pain...
Hear me say

Keep It Up, Keep It Up, Darling!
See the light, shining bright - Reach for it!
Don't you let me down. Don't you dare let go.
Keep it Up, Keep It Up, Darling!
Be the light through the night helping guide others
As you chase your dreams.... for me.

 You got a carefree laugh that helps testify
That you will find the joy all through this life
-Even though you may fall.
What you share you give whole-heartedly.
With every note you move to your own beat.
It's something that time can't define!

Still yet time is just a borrowed toy.
With every game we play seems to make joy just fade away to gray...
-Find new paint.

Keep It Up, Keep It Up Darling!
You are the shining knight by my side.
Don't you dare loose now! We will win somehow.
Keep It Up! Keep It Up Darling.
You will fall. In the end you will be standing
Tall enough for all to see.

There are days it's hard to admire how brightly you can shine.
There is pain from knowing that that light sometimes will fade.
There are days when fear seems to be the only thing inside.
In there end there's only one thing that remains the same.

(hear me say)

Keep It Up, Keep It Up Darling!
You are the shining knight by my side.
You will win somehow. Don't you dare loose now!
Keep It Up! Keep It Up Darling.
You will fall. In the end you will be standing
Tall enough for all to see.

Keep It Up, Keep It Up, Darling!
See the light, shining bright - Reach for it!
Don't you let me down. Don't you dare let go.
Keep it Up, Keep It Up, Darling!
Be the light through the night helping guide others
As you chase your dreams.... Fly Free!

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Note to the Ladies, 4/11/13

I will never be a better you.
You will never be a better me.
I will never be you, nor you me.
So let's live on and be happy.

The True Meaning for Words, 4/10/13

Once upon a time, I wrote my thoughts down regarding words. Somehow, it had problems posting and got deleted. It was all for a reason I thought, so I left it as is. Sometimes little tidbits of information you keep to yourself in order to grasp it fully, or for your own nourishment. Ultimately it helps better us (or is intended to). I realize I'm the type of person that likes to let things sink in over time, that likes to nurture a sentiment to it's developed before sharing it with others, then make proper adjustments of it.

Words are in the power of the beholder. Be it ultimately right or wrong, right now it is what builds us up or breaks us down. They're stones. Words are stones. Stones can be used to build a house, be altered to make a useful tool, sharpened for weapons of defense, or hurt like a mo-fo. It doesn't 100% matter if a person throws stones in order to provide a useful source of material or intentionally used to hurt. I mean, yes it does so you know how to interact with the person, but once they give up their words - their stones, their resources - it is up to you to decide how it should be used.

This reminds me of why I went back to church in the first place. This reminds me of why I was open to so many philosophies and in hearing different religions. This is why I have been so open, neutral, and focused on feeling things out. For power. All for power to fortify myself so I can make a difference in this world. More importantly, the next. Whatever you may call "next." Now... things are different. There is a conscious change I am making... an acceleration I'm creating. I am more mindful of the stones written or given to me. More analytical,  more cautious. I will pick through them slowly. Not use as many as I did before, but still keep a storage of them for myself. The main reason? I'm entering a time where the foundation for the future is being built. Where I can actually see things happening that take "growing up in life" to a new level. I do not go half hearted on this matter. I'm not just building a future for myself anymore.

I can't ask for forgiveness for something I haven't committed, however it's a good way point to mark where I'm coming from if i seem defiant  hardheaded, or overtly concerned and questioning Everything. I am not doing so to try and unfurl a said faith. I am not trying to find the holes in a philosophy. I am asking the questions that come to my head and heart so that I can have enough ammunition to down my own defenses. The best way to describe how I view my inner workings is much like a city:  It takes many days to build, mere moments to destroy, and even longer to clear the debris, and more time to make the land fertile enough to grow on, and sturdy enough to build on again.

What frustrates me is

perhaps I'm just used to running before I  can walk. I'm fearful of loosing this unadulterated sense of peace. Like jumping into a pool before you know how to swim, or running off into a forest with no marked paths. I love getting lost in memories, sinking in emotion, engrossing myself in a problem to be solved...

...However I no longer have the time to spend trying to find my way back, trying solve a complex problem on my own, wishing, praying, hoping for instinct to kick in so that i don't actually drown. I am deciding this. Because there will be a time where someone who depends on me is going to have questions, doubts, and insecurities. I do not want to be a bystander, though I can not always make him or her follow me. I will always lead by example, but  I guess I can work on being easier to follow.

Once I learn new things, once I have these weapons.... once I understand the truth and feel a new burden.... I will not be the same. or will I? Maybe it's just how I view The Word. It is written, I believe it's power, but there is more to it. How can words measure ALL of His omnipotence. Every ounce of His essence? How do you describe such capabilities and powers never seen or experienced before? Yes, believe as if you have seen, but How do you prepare yourself for actually experiencing an event? It will never be enough. It will never be enough Just to go on just words. You can not travel in this world by just reading about new places. However, you can not get the most of those places without reading up on it.

Study, Read, Live... it's a progression I'm willing to follow.

A letter to Myself, 4/4/13

Dear Self,

I got a bone to pick with you. Maybe I'd just prefer to lay it all out for the time being. Main point is you confuse me. And I like it. I know you can laugh, cry, cheer, intimidate, lead, and follow all within the span of 3 minutes and earnestly mean each bit of it. You search, hem and haw, are restless.... but no one can be a better me than you.

I really wish you knew how much I love you.  How that trail of crazy you leave, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wish you could see the light I feel from you. I wish you knew the impact you have on the world. The way I see you is so different than you see yourself, so different from how others see you, so different from how you let others see you. I know you are going through a lot. I understand that the past is not easily addressed, the present so full of new, heart twisting things, and the future in a foggy haze. However there is one request I have for you...

Please do not change.

Not for anyone. Not even for me. Stop altering yourself to fit what you think would best suit others. You do not have to stop living for others, but it would be nice if you started living for me. Live for Yourself. No matter how the future will look, I will always be rooting for you. It's you and me amongst a host of worlds. Let's live this to the fullest. Regardless of what we perceive to be warnings.

Hugs and Love,

BTW --
I might be the only one in your life forever. I'll learn how to share if you take me up on my request.


We allow so many things to happen to ourselves when we know it is not right, because we think we deserve it. We believe in it so much that it becomes engrained in us, and we do them to others. We try to run from it that it becomes a part of our shadow, instead of turning it inside out and letting it be a testimony for how things can be made different. Usually, that is how it goes with a few things in life. Domestic violence, molestation, drug addiction, alcohol abuse... things we see or experience from the moment we're born -sometimes even before we're born. We know this should not happen, yet it affects more people day by day. We identify it, understand the reasons things exist, however continue to do things which damage ourselves mentally or physically, or are unable to stop ourselves without the help of some greater force than our mind can conceive -positive or negative. It doesn't change that something in us that makes us stop what has happened to us from happening to others. not saying it is our own hands, but could be by the hands of others.

There is NO ONE who is perfect, yet we continue to judge and criticize what we see as flaws in other people. We spend so much time jumping to conclusions about others, being angry at the world for one reason or another, instead of facing what /really/ is impacting our lives: Ourselves. We get so wrapped up in reliving the bad times that we forget about the good things that are happening. However it's also possible to be so wrapped up in a world made of paper flowers to stop the bad things from happening to someone else. Shame of event happening, fear of judgement from peers, rejection from loved ones... so many things can be the reason for this. So people continue on because if it happened, it must be how it usual is. It becomes socially Expected that a partner in a relationship is beating on the love of their life with words or with fists; it becomes Expected that about 1 in 7 people have been sexually abused as a child, Expected that the majority of the people we know are slaves to the debuts they collect, Expected that someone in the family battles an addiction to food, smoking, alcohol, or any other drug addiction.... When someone tries to help us, we run away, don't wanna hear it, don't want to talk it out, turn the finger around and point it at the person helping... I know I'VE done it. I may not agree with what other people have to say, but I still appreciate those who genuinely try to help without hatred or judgement. Those who do not try to force anything down my throat, or assume I am me due to XYZ happening in my life.

“Even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.”

However there aren't many people who are genuine to strangers in the world any more. Or heck, maybe they are and I have my own defenses up to take it as something else. I've gotten better, but I'm a work in progress.

What stops us from aiming high is that we believe we don't deserve it. That no one else around me has it, so how could I possibly aspire to achieve it? To be that? I want to stand up for myself, but I've never seen anyone else do so for themselves. I've never seen someone make changes, so how could I?

Do you /have/ to see it in order to make it be? Do you have to see someone, hear someone, do or say something, in order for it to happen? And once you see or hear of something, must it always happen? Make your world as you want it.

...and yet I'm here. Writing things when I do not yet have the ability to speak them coherently. If it wasn't for the fact that I write this for myself to look back on and learn from, I would say I'm a hypocrite in that aspect. Not something to be proud of, and likely pointing out my own flaws to rid the satisfaction anyone else might have at calling it out first. But I am glad I am becoming aware of my faults and trying to find out a way to make it better. For right now I will be as I remain. Commenting on my thoughts caused by words that belong to no single individual. I am not the hero of your story. I have no intention of ever being so. For an opportunity to get a handful of my thoughts written somewhere is a part of my legacy.

At the end of all this, I just want you to know that you can choose who you are today. Who you were yesterday does not dictate who you are tomorrow. Know that no one can be a better you than yourself. Relish that fact that You Are Amazing. Strive to rise above your strife in life.
Written 1/23/12


Why was I looking for a video like this? As an American, an African one at that, I've an idea to how difficult it is to get a full genealogy. Especially for Blacks, there are hardly any records from the slave trade, and it would be super amazing if anyone is able to trace their ancestors back to that time. I realize I may never be able to find a few of my distant ancestors from the continent of Africa, but it would be great if I could at least know which country the majority of my ancestors came from. Most of it doesn't matter because by now they're all mixed together, or with people of other countries. However, it'd be nice to have some idea to the African Culture my forefathers and mothers had. You know, to have that option to break it down another level like those of Europe and Asia. Imagine, not being able to say "I'm French/British/Irish/Norwegian/German/Polish/Italian-American" or "I'm Japanese/Chinese/ Korean/Russian/Thai/Malaysian-American." Just European. Just Asian. Just African. It does not define who we are as individuals, but it gives us some piece of history to stand on. Something, where it's not as if we're trying to find our values in a world where you're "not supposed" to "Act White." Well, how in the world can we "act black" when there is no background? There's nothing to turn to, unless I throw a dart at the continent of Africa and land among the 57 countries and do research on the area? Maybe I could just pick from the few countries slaves were taken from back int her 1600's. Or, how about this Crazy idea.... why don't I just act American?  And, seeing as how that definition is constantly changing, forever evolving, or just plain needs a face lift... I just act like myself?

First and foremost, I'm an America. We're in a giant melting pot for crying out loud. America is our home, regardless of what your ethnicity is. With it, should come the innate ability to respect people of all other countries, admire physical and mental qualities of ourselves and others, and learn to make the most with what we have. I am very proud and happy to be an American (though yes, Many things are fudged up), and I'm Just as proud to be African-American, because this subset of American culture is still a baby. Yes, the American country is still a child, only around 500 years old. Our African-American Race is less than 400 years old. As an American, I'm happy to be able to foster the spirit of acceptance and unity while still holding onto a cultural identity. However as an African American, it's important to know and realize that our culture isn't based on sticking it to "the white man," standing in the shadows of other more established cultures, booty shaking and trash talking 24/7, nor sex and bad English.... and even if it Was at any point, We are the ones who can Change it, and make it into what ever we want it to. To me the core to African-American culture is persevering through all odds, finding the good in life among the worst situations, treating others as family with respect, and Handling what needs to be done regardless of what's in the way. Yes, it may be the same for Many other cultures as well. We're all the same Human race after all. It just seems to me that many have forgotten that, or put too much emphasis on why things aren't working out for one reason or another..... Just be yourself. Strive for the best. Look out for each other. and For the Love of Cheesecake, Stop this stupid nonsense about Light vs Dark skin! We are All beautiful, regardless of shade, color, or tone.

So, I found this video. I love seeing the vast differences of the regions. I might not be able to fall back on a distinct culture of my ancestors, but I'm happy to be in a time where I can forge my own. As an American.
Written 9/15/12

Always Shine Despite Your Delusion

bring each thought into the light while in anothers shadow. gather the glow, study the flow, until it becomes a tempered inferno. hide the blaze through the haze so no one will know your intentions of being your own shining redemption. let it grow and only show to those who look in your direction. all the others will feel the drive from your possession to be their own light among the darkening perception.

Always Shine, Despite the Delusion You've Created that you are no better than they've stated. That you have a limit to reach or a time that must be breached before it will fall through and collapse. No. Let Him be the judge, let the others bite the dust as you rise up pulling their eyes despite their guise that they are enough. There is no limit, so Damn It Listen to no one but that silent calm inside your heart. That tiny place where fingers touch when you can't bear to think in despair, yet won't deny it resides in the air that swallows you... Only because you want it to.

so shhh my friend. my wonder twin. that glimpse of face that makes me bend. you have wanted this. you are in control of it. don't let anyone say the same in a way where you take the blame. they are there. you are here. this is your world to live within. there is one light that will preside. it's in your heart, not of your eyes. it's in your essence, not just your mind. That light is You. Will you shine despite that fear to cross the line?

become more than you dreamed of. live life more than that need of wanting things to ease the pain, to brunt the force, to take the blame. do not take no for an answer when you have yet to ask your question. do not let go of your fire, that tempered inferno of desire. live brilliantly or cry trying. just feel that warmth in that silent voice inside your heart beyond the darkness you let reside there. your world is yours to protect, to connect, to craft as you would for best. this world is my world to protect, to caress, to hold softly to my breast. i have the light, I just need to ignite it. i know the way, I just have to say to the sky that "We are One!" As pure as the sun which He has begun anew for each babe who comes up from the grave to live again, absolved of sin to try and make it right again. to teach us what's right from within.

now... i'm okay with my position in the shadows with conditions. words to light despite the plight to bring them upwards in this night. I used to say "Sense is made with exact change," except with me in the game. and for once, i'm okay. Perhaps, this chance, I'll embrace that fame to protect me from the pain I conjured that day. no, not That day, but the day many days from that day. gosh, a child isn't that insane to invent monsters to place the blame. i speak of the essence of today. those recent energies we bring, that always changes yet stays the i've rambled so much i've forgotten why i came.

oh yes, it was to remove the pain. Mission Success. Achievement Unlocked.
Written8/29/12, edited today

A Letter to My Grandmother

Written to Vivian Dixon Kilpatrick on March 4th, 2009.


Dear Granny,

I can't stop seeing your face when I last saw you. Your eyes were so proud, so grateful, so sad, so peaceful. It's hard to believe I thought nothing of it, nothing more than I usually do. Filled with love, and dependability. So respectful and caring. I would see you again I was sure. I would make time to come by and help you out, I knew for sure. There would be some other time we could sit in your apartment, munching away on spring rolls and other Chinese food. Without a doubt, I would bring Zeno by, your great grand kitten, so you could show you how much she'd grown. But right then, I had to get to work. You had to go conquer your last chemo.

That following week I didn't do a thing I promised you with my eyes in that last moment. I hadn't stopped by, hadn't called though there were plenty of times I thought to. Then I got the call that you were in the hospital. But it wasn't like the other times. This time it was final. There would be no more hospital visits after that day. I sent my best friend a text, I went to pick him up, went to my mom's after calling her 20+ times. I tried so hard to wake her up. Believe me, I tried the best I could but you know how her schedule's off granny. Mommy never was a morning person. More than myself and him, I knew mommy had to be there. But I couldn't wait forever. I called her as much as I could until I got to the hospital. I only called four times after. Three nearer, and one after....

The important thing is that I got there. The woman laying there looked like you Granny, but she wasn't. She wasn't smiling. She wasn't greeting me. She wasn't teaching a nurse how to drop it like its hot. The woman there was in pain. Her body shook with it. This was supposed to be you, but I knew it wasn't. You wouldn't let anyone do a thing for you unless you needed them to. Surely you wouldn't have some machine breathe for you.

It was hours more, such long, short hours spent in that room with more people coming in waiting, crying, praying, chatting. I tried to keep a good face for those who needed it more than me. I was not the youngest daughter who took the more responsibility in tending to her mothers wishes roaming quietly around the room. I was not the young grandson who took care of your every need as best as he could, sitting by himself, near you, where his eyes could only land on you. I was the granddaughter sitting in place of my own mother, trying to fill both shoes, trying to be there for others, and still be strong for my friend. At some point I stopped being selfish and started being proud. I was Vivians Granddaughter.

The feeling didn't last long though, due to reality eating away at my defensive shield. I was sad, I had some tears, but I stood strong. Weither it was a foolish thing to do or not, it was true. I remained strong for whoever needed it, for your children, for your childrens children, for Ze, for myself. Broken, but strong. God, if I could have one thing of my grandma, please grant me her strength.

Soon it was time. We couldn't stand to see you to be in such pain. The respirator came out. We waited to see if you would breathe on your own. You did. You did for about 13 seconds. Then the woman laid still, so still. Then people started crying around her. All of us, surrounding the hospital bed. I held my breathe, but shed no tear. That woman wasn't you.

Where were you? Where was my Granny? I didn't know, I didn't know where my foundation was. I didn't know where you were. You weren't in that body. It hurt. It still hurts. I may not have always seen you, but I knew where you were. I knew who I could turn to, talk to, confide in, share with, get help from, get advice from. I knew who kept me going, who gave me words of wisdom through all of my hard times, who saw the best in me and urged me to find the same view. But now....

Mommy sung the right song at the wake for you. "In Times Like These." She's so strong, all of your children are, you most certainly were. I pray to God that I can even have an ounce of your wit, your humor, compassion, love, honesty, talent, and smarts.

In times like these you need a Savior
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One;
This Rock is Jesus, the only One!
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

I cried the hardest that night, at that time. Through her voice, I could hear your own. You were not afraid to be the best you could be, so unafraid to shine your brightest. So quick to help others do the same for themselves. You were my rock, Granny. You've taught me so much. So many others the same lessons. Now, I have to find a new foundation, slowly but surely. Perhaps, a never wavering foundation. It was time you got your reward.

I just wanted to let you know I got your answer to my call that day of the 12th. It took a while, but I know your answer. You are in my heart. You always were, and now you always will be. I hope you liked the Valentines card we got you. Hope you could make out my chicken scratch good enough. I love you so, so much. This denial of your death I'm feeling is not a lie. You are alive. You live though all the lives you have touched. You reside here in my heart. Thank you so much for absolutely everything.

Yours always, past forever.