Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Taima Gin. Pronounced Time Again. It's a name of a character I created when I was in 6th grade. She had ties to a Sailor Moon character [Sailor Jupiter] somehow. Taima Gin was in actuality Sailor Sun Shine, the first of many Ghetto Scouts I created. The first season there were four girls, then with the next two the numbers rapidly multiplied along with the villians as well. I made theme songs, started character songs, made drawings which I managed to incorporate into a spanish class once... good times, good times.

However, Taima Gin sums up many things from the true phrase which I can apply to myself. Time Again I contradict myself. Time Again I choose to ignore reason. Time Again I defy expectations. Time Again I surprise myself. Time and Time Again I move forward, determined to set myself apart from who I was moments before. Still, I do not know who I am, but each day I get a clearer vision of it. What I really want is to get a feel for it. Hence why we're here. i hope to write the workings of my mind down so that I can find out who I am. Through doing that, perhaps you can find out who you are as well. if you're in a similar spot as me at least. At the very least, you'll be able to get your thoughts moving. There is no plan for my blog, aside from to actually write in it. 

Welcome to the boundary of sense and senseless, where my selfish and selfless sides can reside. Here is where my thoughts lie. 

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